Literatur – Craniosacrale Biodynamik
Rollin E. Becker, Life in Motion – The
osteopathic vision of Rollin E. Becker, Stillness Press
Rollin E. Becker, The Stillness of Life, Stillness
Michael Kern, Wisdom in the Body – The
Craniosacral Approach to Essential Health, 1999,
North Atlantic Books
Michael Shea, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
– vol. 1 (2007), 2 (2008) and 3 (2010),
Shea Educational Group
Franklyn Sills, Craniosacral Biodynamics, vol.
1(2001) and 2 (2003), North Atlantic Books
Ged Sumner and Steve Haines, Cranial Intelligence,
2010, The Singing Dragon
William G. Sutherland, Contributions of Thought,
2nd ed.,
Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation
William G. Sutherland, Teachings in the Science
of Osteopathy, ed. Anne Wales, Sutherland
Cranial Teaching Foundation
John Wilks, Understanding Craniosacral Therapy,
First Stone Publishing
Literatur – Verwandte Themen
Erich Blechschmidt, Wie beginnt das menschliche
Leben – Vom Ei zum Embryo, Christiana
A. R. Crossman, D. Neary, Neuroanatomy, Elsevier
Churchill Livingstone
Eugine Gendlin, Focusing, Otto Müller
James Hiatt, Leslie Gartner, Textbook of Head
& Neck Anatomy, Lippincott
A. I. Kapandji, The Physiology of the Joints,
vols. 1, 2, and 3, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone
Peter A. Levine, Waking the Tiger, North Atlantic
Babette Rothschild, The Body Remembers –
The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma
Treatment, W. W. Norton
Babette Rothschild, The Body Remembers Casebook
– Unifying Methods and Modrls in the
Treatment of Trauma and PTSD, W. W. Norton
H. Wayne Sampson, John L. Montgomery, Gary
L. Henryson, Atlas of the Human Skull,
Texas A&M University Press
Susanne Schulze, Kurzlehrbuch Embryologie,
Elsevier Urban & Fischer
Michael Schünke et al., Prometheus –
Lernatlas der Anatomie, Band 1-3, Thieme
Franklyn Sills, Being and Becoming: Psychodynamics,
Buddhism, and the Origins of Selfhood,
North Atlantic Books
Franklyn Sills, The Polarity Process –
Energy as a healing art, North Atlantic Books
Sobotta, Atlas of Human Anatomy, vols. 1 and
2, Elsevier Urban & Fischer
Itta Wiedenmann, Somatic Experiencing
Training, Institut für NeuroTracking
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